Thursday, April 15, 2010

Problem Solved But Still Unanswered

Well... now I know why I was de agented. Prepare to hear a long story. I will express to you how I feel and what happened.
Support has a picture of me supposedly swearing. Which must mean someone emailed a picture of that to them. But the thing I am not understanding, is that I NEVER swore.
So how can they even have that?
Maybe I made a typo, (which I am sure I did not) or maybe someone edited my chat in pc. I have NO clue.
I do not even swear on Chobots.
I love and respect the game. To go further depper. I do not even swear in REAL life.
Want to know why?
(This is VERY personal sooo...I have only told it to two chobots who are close friends to me, monder and chubbywobbly)

Everyday in real life I constantly have to hear my dad swearing. He calls me ALL the names in the book that you can think of. This hurts me so much D=. So I vowed that I will not be like him. I know the pain of being called swear words. He says he "loves me" but he swears at me each and everyday. How can that even be? 0__0

ALL my real life friends swear ( I am a freshman in HS). But I do not actully have any more friends in real life, I did when I made swettie, but over time they stopped hanging around me.


I said to them I did not want to hang around them anymore because I had chobots. I know this is kind of mean but it was the way I felt. I also ignored them when they would try to talk to me when I am on cho, (I can only focus on one thing -cof, cof- )

Want to know another way chobots changed me?
Well, ok prepare for this its kind of weird...

I do not like dudes anymore in real life. (NO, I DO NOT LIKE GIRLS)

I just felt like there is no use to date anymore. Why bother when I have Chobots? :D
Yesterday, when I got de agented I cryed for like four hours straight. My mom keep on asking me what was wrong but I would not say to her. Then I went to the bathroom and I had to puke. (sorry if tmi). I came back out and my mom was litterllay staring at me. So I got tired of that and went and locked myself in my room. She thought I was going to commit suicide (which I thought was crazy she thought that) So she sent my sister to watch me =/

Now I can cry anytime I think about this. Sometimes in real life I have something in my eye and I try to cry it out. It would take me a very long time to cry, I just thought about my mom passing away.
But now all I have to do is think of what has happened to me and the tears come so quickly.
Chobots has such a great effect on my life. Its all I think about. All I want to do (I am sure alot of you may feel the same way).

I wonder when V-man made Chobots did he have any idea how many lifes he would effect by doing so?

Why would I even want to swear? I went through so much hard work to become a
agent. I mean serisouly... I got recommended by alot of my friends, I was recommended by alot of agents I never talk to :o, and all of you know what kind of person (or chobot) I am. You all know I would not swear. Otherwise you would have never recommended me. I did nothing to earn this.
There are alot of chobots out there who are working hard to become a agent. You keep it up guys your doing a wonderful job... but keep this in mind, the same thing may happen to you. :'(

I always left my pc open. I wanted to be different from the other agents there are. I wanted to have my pc open so anyone could chat me anytime at all, I asked and said "I need friends can someone add me?" (when I was a agent) xD, I would chat random chobots hi, I also tryed to answer all the random mails I would get, I wanted to treat others the same as they are agent... I did not want to seem "cool" and not talk to anyone. (if you know what I mean by this, lol). Someone took advantage of that and accused me of swearing in their pc chat. For the millionth time.
Will I quit chobots?
Yes. I will be in a few days or so.
Well, I devoted my time and my life to Chobots. I felt like I have been betrayed. But I understand why support would do this, they have a "picture".
Besides you may say "Try to earn your badge back"
But I mean really... I did nothing to get it tooked away. I worked so hard for so long. I will not try again because seriously, the chances of me getting that badge back are probably 0%.

De agented agents are like a out cast and have no place in chobots.

The big reason I am leaving is because now my chobots is branded (marked) for life. When you see the name "~swettie101~ you will think disagented, for being a bad chobot and dis respecting rules." You will look down at me. Most likely you will not trust me anymore... but I AM a chobot you can trust. If your my real friend you will believe me (and you know this for a fact). Even if I did try to get my badge back it would probably take two years D=
All because of a mis understanding this has happened.
Also you may say to me...
"what about your friends on cho? You should stay for them"
This is a message to all my friends
I love you. (not in a dating way, in a online friend way) Psst..I do not date online period.
You mean so much to me.
You make me smile and laugh in real. xD.
But I know now that I have been accused of swearing, you will look at me differently (as a bad cho).
My heart can not take that.
I know I was a role model to alot of you and helped and gave you advice. I wish you all good luck, follow my example, but just not the end part. :)
Btw... please do not look at me as someone who broke the rules because I DID NOT!

I will remember what has happened to me on Chobots until I die :'(

~marked for life~


Thanskie said...

aww swettie, :'( -cries- I never felt this like for real friends but you totally make me cry. :'( don't worry me ill be fine gudluck to your happy life! I hope mods will read this and understand more better, :)

I really know who you are, ^^ take care~ -hugz-


________________________________________ said...

Swettie, Im gonna miss you soo much :(
I remember the day before you became an agent, we were aving fun then we were "twins" and while we were chatting i couldn't help thinking "Why isn't she an agent yet?" And then I saw you the next day I was soooo happy
And now, because of a misunderstanding your not what you deserve to be and your gonna quit :(
You will be soo missed for being that nice funny kind Chobot that always helped and had fun :(
Your one of the reasons I would sometimes log on :'(
I wish we could change your mind but I guess not :(

On last hug -hugs-

Missed but not forgotten :(

Bumble xo

Coolguy562 said...

I am crying realy abd because of those things those words we simple and good and u used them really goood i am crying in real and I love ya as a freind a really really close+your my bestest freind even no i dont no you in real you my best freind in real and on chobot ~hugs~ coolguy562

Coolguy562 said...

I am going to miss you the most from being a great friend and a awsome and funny chobot miss you lots



Coolguy562 said...

from all those days of laughing and having fun swettie101 you where my best freind for life

~I love you lots and lots~

in a freind way ~coolguy562~

choobaca55 said...

Swettie, I just wanted to say before you left Chobots is that I care about you as a friend and i want you to stay with Chobots, but it is your decision, and it seems like my supporting bridge the fell down, and Im stranded in the ocean. God luck to you :(

Goku said...

Swettie your gonna be missed by lots.I wish you could stay,but it's your choice.Im so sad that you are quitting and that you got de-agented.You deserve to be a agent and you aren't because some rtard edited a stupid pc.GOD IM SO MAD!EXCUSE ME FOR SAYING BAD WORDS.Well whoever edited the stupid pc,why?Well ,we know that your not going to a good place >:(

coffee2353 said...

Swettie, you just made me cry. Not serious sobbing, but my eyes watered. I rarely cry. I've been through a lot in my life and it takes a lot for me to cry. I just want you to know, in honor of you, I'm never blocking my player card ever again. I'm not going to add random people because I like to get to know people b4 comitting to having them able to message me and invite me places and such. I hope other people will join me :] I think agents keeping PC open is very generous. Except... I hope I dont have a picture of me staged like you did. Swettie you have my sympathy and I wont forget you.

3hailey8 said...

My HEAVENS! this is sad :( Crying in real life... Oh my gosh.

Cheesie said...


imbored9633 said...

Sweetie i know a secret mod im gonna ask him to kick all ibeta-ibeta10 acc's ... bth im younger than you but... your the best romdel (hugs) ~imbored963

imbored9633 said...

your the nicest person i know in both cho and real!`imbored963

☮♪✯ Üƨρι♫mʏĦє♥∂ ✯♪☮ said...

sweetie...if u r going to quit its ur own dicision =/
but all of us will be affected by ur quitting. If someday u could come back to chobots, visit ur blog, talk to us once in a while, tha would b great! ='( if no one can help u change ur mind about leaving, we just have to accept it..and hope we meet again someday. =/
Bai sweetie! ill always remember u and how nice u were to me and the rest of ur friends and to everyone.
last hug!

icey24635 said...

im late but i luv u (as a friend of course ;D) my life stinks now. no one to sing chicken wing song to, no one to call my sister :(

hey, im crying as i write this, and i want u back :(always keeping my card unblocked and i shall never sing the chicken wing song again of depression. u will always be an agent to me. i nevver cry if someone quits a game, but u mean a lot to me. im never gonna forget u and i hope we can keep in touch thru email :( i guess this is goodbye :( ~hugz 1 last time~

~despressed and crying icey

fuffley said...

U were on of mah best buddies on Chobots and I will NEVER forget u!
I wish u good luck in ur life to get ur friends back and be succesful :')
I am crying because y would someone EVER want to frame u?
I just hope u have da best of ur life without Chobots :'(
Ur buddy, da Fuff Master :')

♥Twi♥ said...

Iunderstand what ur going through thats what my dad does to me.



Davis said...

;( swettie :( u were one of my best friends :( I loved how you were always happy and made me laugh :( i wish you wouldnt leave. But its your descision. please visit as often as you can :( -hugs- ill miss you friend

I know you would never cuss. I know who you are. Wish you luck in your future.

Take care

Coolguy562 said...

swettie101 I have been crying for 5 hours and i pucked got headacks

Anonymous said...

swettie u are 1 of my best friend :(
i always want to chat with u when u online i dont see any swettie anymore

u also delete me

i miss openning ur player card :(

i will always remember u swettie :(

wow im realy sad :(

guilepenguin said...

im so sorry swettie101 i know u and i know u would never swear and i think you got hacked so im going to e-mail support i want to see the picture and i want to make this all better and i want u to have you badge back swettie because u did not swear and i know it as a fact !!!

and please dont quit


Mewbro123 said...


You are a very commited person and i respect you for that.


Hope you have a good time on chos


Urr...What do you mean by "I dont liek dudes..."

Danabon said...

Its me Danabon and swettie i will always remember u as a friend i can trust but now i have read that story it brought tears to my eyes and I am just so... so... so... sorry for you and if i could i would convince the Chobots Team to give you ur badge back but if i tried my mother would kill me and they would't beleive me.

I will always remember u.

I luv u (as a friend) swettie.



coolguy4 said...

Sweetie i will miss you terriblely and do not worry when i see you i do not think about you being de-agentd or i do not look down on you i think wow theres my amazing friend sweetie i need to go talk to her you will always be missed on chobots oh look you have made me cryD'= i will miss you so much.chobots will never forget about you when we hear the name sweetie101 we think legand and a never forgeten chobot i hope you will change your mind about quiting because you will always have a space in chobots and in our hearts from your dear friend coolguy4 D'=

Bye!!!D'= Why !! Why!!!!D'= Dont quit=( I will miuss you so so muchD=

♫ Awesomejceey1☺ said...

Please Dont Quit Sweetie! Your like the person I want to like when my chobot grows up! I thought that you werenot going to quit when you got deagented and I addmirored you for that now that you are I feel betraded :(

Bye Sweetie

fuffley said...

I no u would NEVER swear and I am very made at the person who framed u ='(

Regretyourself said...

I've never told anyone this but this is my chobot ,regrets story.

Well Firstly I was randomly lookin for games and i found chobots i tried it then it changed my life.But then One day it happend. I Got Hacked well not hacked i gaeout my pass after like 2 mins i tried to log on but i could'nt cuz the person that did that changed my pass...After A YEAR...I gotta go Ill finish it off later...

Oh yea By The way I just started playin again last mounth!

Heh If You know me really well you would know im kinda cheeky,Rude sometimes...and more well thats just me. Hey Lol I got banned for 12 hours i did'nt do anything.



- Yo Cya,Regretyourself

☮♫ϱbs♫☮ said...

I never knew about this imm sooo sorry poor you with a dad like that that would be horrible, i dont like to see you go so soon ur one of everyones best friends and we will never ever ever ever(when im like dead) forget youuuuuu.

from your totally bestest coolest weirdest dummest friend ever,

Coolguy562 said...

Swettie101 dont leave your the only one to play with we have been freinds ever since you were 20 we have been freinds dont worry about the de-agented thing I have to freind who are now not a agent ok please dont, leave you are in my heart


Pipopito said...

Swettie I am sure someone edited your chat! Maybe someone that hates you or something like that edited!Like he sweared himself and put the chat bubble instead of yours! You were a good agent and for me (and others) you are still one. Don't quit and don't give up! And one thing I dont understand why did tell your real life friends you dont want to be their friends anymore?
We will never forget you(PLEASE DONT QUIT)

macisepic said...

Sweetie, :( I know you de-agented!
I'm sorry what I said to you
a whole ago (and hours ago )

"Sweetie your just quiting cause
you got deagented! :("

I was crying in real life.
Your one of my closet friends!
I said in real life when I heard
this sad post: "Aww Sweetie :(
*Sniff* *tear drops* I kno how u
feel :((" :( I kno! You did tht
-hugs- xo :'(
Don'quit!!! I'm axelly crying!

:( Please! A message from
my friend _Vampire_:
Awwwwww :(". :( So don't quit!
Thanskie, Bumble, Samuel,Chobacca,
Clubpenguin,Coffe and many more
miss you! Please, IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


☮♫ϱbs♫☮ said...

Im So glad you got your account back, It would've been weird without you to cheer us up! And make me laugh as usuall lol! Im sure your happy tooo!!

zooboo said...

this is like when i accidently erased my friend on cho. i could not stop cying,swettie you are one of the best agents and one of my best friends even though you arnt on my list.It may be that some one edited it because it is easy and looks real. So just think of life if it was not there if it was all a dream. Live life to the fullest ~zooboo

Anonymous said...

Thats a little drastic for a virtual game... If I was de agented I would find out why and fix it.