This post is to help everyone who is trying to become a agent :]
As some of you may remember, when I first became a agent (the first time -cough-) I gave speeches on how to be a agent. We held them in different places. First cafe, game zone, cafe again, shop so on and so forth. We had WONDERFUL discussions about the rules and how to follow and enforce them. I loved our convos we had.
Well, this is how I became a agent. Let the speech begin...
In the beginning, I did not know what a agent was, I would randomly chat chobots hi until I made friends. Not a lot but enough to keep me playing. Then I meet my first agent friend who added me. Her name was poofrawr365 then second agent friend was zandercute. Around age 120 I officially made up my mind that I wanted to be a agent (Thats when I joined Agent Help Program first season) The first agent recommendation I got was from smirk. Although the ONLY agent friend or close friend who has been there with me throughout this WHOLE time was my amazing wonderful friend Mcfreddy( hes was second agent to recommend me). Now here are the golden rules that I used and maybe they can help you. Use them or invent your own do what is best for you but make sure it is right.
When trying to become a agent remember these Golden Rules. If you like silver they can be the silver rules.. if you like pie they can be the pie rules 0___0. Idk you get the point lol.
Golden Rule Number One- Always be nice
It is as simple as I stated. But lets get into some details...
- Treat all chobots equally. You should never ever treat a agent or a mod nicer than you would any other chobot. Treat EACH one with respect and the same as you would any other
- Greet someone when they say hi. When you see a chobot say "hi" say hi back to them! Or when they say "bye" say bye back! It does not hurt and it makes them feel happy to know someone cares
- When you see a fellow chobot is sad, go to there aid and see what you can do to help out! You should care about each chobot as much as you care about yourself.
- Do something for me... think of your best friend on chobots. Is that person nice? About 99.9% of you will say yes. This means by being nice you gain MANY friends and you are "popular" as some chobots put it.
- Do not be afraid to give compliments! Say how well someone's oufit looks! Let them know how you feel about it!
- Return a compliment back with a compliment. This is something I do often. Someone may say "swettie you are so nice". Well I turn right back around and I say to the person... Thank you, but it is you who is the nice one.
- Make some funny jokes! Say something like "Throws pie to everyone" it makes others laugh and makes you all have a fun time. NEVER EVER say a rude thing like "My shirt is waay better than yours, jk jk lol". This is NOT a funny joke =/ Its SO mean and rude.
- When a random chobot some up to you and says hi, greet that person with a hi back!Do not say "Who are you" That could hurt the chobots feelings with out meaning too.
- Many of you have been saying "I am so Sad I can not be a agent" I DO NOT want to hear this come out of any of your chat boxes!!
- NEVER EVER say you can not do it! If you say that then it will come true, but if you say you can then most likely you will!
- If you do not believe in yourself then how can others believe in you? They can not. So you keep your chobots head up high and you show everyone how YOU CAN reach your goal!
- Never ask for a recommended because this is just plain horrible. It does not help you to be a agent if you ask this so please don't.
- Know that you are who you are and you can over come your goals and when you start to think... I can not do this PUSH those thoughts out of your mind and bring the good ones back
- Always try to maintain a up beat and positive attitude because if you do you will attract chobots to come and hang around you. Once you get those friends they will be there for you and never let you down ( I know because of all you wonderful friends I have)
- Your not getting any recommends?!?! I hear this often. If this is the situation you are in then you need to step your game up and work HARDER. Do not blame it on the agents and say its their fault your not getting any recommends. You need to try to make a difference and improve your efforts then maybe you can finally get a recommended! (I know you can) ;]
- Now this is SO SIMPLE. Yet so many chobots break this rule everyday. Here are those extra tips I used-
- Follow the rules. Point blank there should be no exception in why you can not follow the rules
- Do not think one day you are going to follow the rules the next day your not. It does not work like that. Either you follow the rules and be happy, or you dis obey the rules and you get banned.
- If you have chobot friends you disobeys the rules then you need to try and ask them to follow the rules. If they continue to break the rules then email it to chobots support and do not continue to hang around them any more.
- When you see a chobot who is breaking the rules go up to that chobot and kindly ask them stop stop breaking the rules. There is no need for yelling and use of ALL caps and exclamations.
- Remember if that chobot continues to mis behave after you have asked him/her to stop ignore them. There is no need to start a big crowd around a chobot who is breaking the rules.
- Remind other of these rules
- If there is a chobot who calls you names and gets you so mad that you want to continue to fuss with that chobot, then you need to log off for a few minutes. There is no use in arguing with a nicho because you become one yourself.
- This is a main important part in a agents job HELPING!!
- You need to be willing to try and help others out in any situation they are in.
- Ask new chobots would they like a tour and be sure to give them a nice welcome
- Do not spam "Does anyone need help" You should say this about 3 times in 10minz. If not that them less. It becomes very annoying when you spam this and you are breaking the rules
- Do not ask to help ONLY when a agent or mod is around. You should ask to help no matter who is watching
- Help chobots out of your heart because you know how it feels to be a new chobot and you want to help them carry that burden. Do not ask only because you want to be a agent =/
- A key part to becoming a agent is having agent friends.
- To be honest I never asked to be a agent friends. I let them add me or nothing at all.
- Spamming agents to add you is very rude and annoying. Ask once and say please and that is it. Remember sometimes they will not be able to add you.
- You can be friends non added
- Do not ask a agent to recommend you because that also lowers chances for you and that agent to be friends
- Greet the agent daily and say hi. Give them a few compliments. Do not go over board and make it feel like you love that chobot if you know what I mean.
~swettielol ps. Thank you very much to my friend who helped make these pictures! Not only did you help me but you helped others who read this post. Also thank you for being a friend ;P
Its great I will never give up on being a agent I will keep trying
i will try ;)lol i read the whole thing
Sweetie you are truly amazing.
Your so nice and caring.
Idk whut chobots would do without you!
plz actully read it, it has useful information and ty so much x]
I really admire you swettie,after everything youve gone thorugh, you are still hleping chobots! great tips, they are gret ones, and i realized i should 'step up my game' ;P
:)) meds
-hugs :P
Aww thx for all those tips!
They were really good :D
U r an amazing friend :D
omg! This is so great Swettie! You should become a mod :)
Monder's comment was just an example of something you DO NOT say to someone on Chobots. Oh, Swettie...THANKS FOR LETTING ME BE YOUR PICTURE PERRRRRFECT GUINEA PIG!!! Woot! Sorry for caps. Lol ;)
Thats big lol
Thx alot ! Now I am sure I am going to be an agent!
Guys, who wants a moofin? :D
(There is a contest there!Plz enter it)
=D thx for the the tips swettie
I ate an apple while reading his I ate everything except the seeds i spit them out. x] anyway good advise :P
hey =)
luv this post!
anyways, my email is
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