Wednesday, April 14, 2010

D= Hackers

Hey, I dont know if that was a hacker.. maybe a mod had refreshed me and did that. I am not sure, but I do not think de agented is fair to some chobots.
When you have worked so hard, you devote your time, your life, and you have put everything into it and then you turn around and that thing vanish.. but you did nothing to have that happen.. it hurts. It made me cry and puke (tmi sorry) in real life, I couldnt stop crying for 3hours D=
I also believe that if your breaking the rules as a agent then you deserve to get de agened but if you get hacked then you should at least get a second chance. I think of chobots as more than just a game as some like to call it. Chobots is like a part of my life and I would never want that to be taken away from me. When someone gets de agented it could mean SO much to them that they think of doing crazy things like quiting... or breaking their leg.. yeah. So I just wish we could have justice of this D=


Coolguy562 said...

first comment yay!!!!!!!

Cheesie said...

Hi Swettie, this is Chessie. I know you're not my friend cuz i keep getting deleted, but these things happen. It didn't just happen to you, it happened to me, to Pendul (and old agent) Fishalate, Josip and a couple of others. I couldn't keep my agent badge cuz I got hacked. You are just lucky you still have your account, and your friends. When I got my account back, I had no friends, everyone forgot me and yeah. But you CAN be an agent but you must try super hard like I am. you just must be aware. Hope you read this,


Anonymous said...

hey this is mistery678!!! Heard the news D: what ever u do..dont quit..if u life will be missing cuz ur part of life will be gloomy, u got to get on ur other accs if u can tget on swettie101 .. iv left messages.
From..mistery..gud luck.

Ps: using my friends blog

mrs.sweets said...

thnx mistery ;]
and yeah i know chessie, i feel ur pain
and i removed all my friends (thats was a bad idea and ill never do it again sorry) and
im not quitting,
chobots is my life.. i can not quit, it would be like trying to make my heart stop beating D=